Coding Caravan

Nonprofit Teaching Programs

Border hero with cropped image and shadows

Quickly design and customize responsive mobile-first sites with Bootstrap, the world’s most popular front-end open source toolkit, featuring Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful JavaScript plugins.


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Meet Our Instructors

Instructor Jane

Jinwoo Choi

Experienced educator with a passion for technology.

Lorem Ipsum

Instructor John

Yash Bellamkonda

Experienced educator with a passion for technology.

Lorem Ipsum

Instructor John

Seeraj Bellamkonda

Experienced educator with a passion for technology.

Lorem Ipsum

Instructor John

Adrian Low

Experienced educator with a passion for technology.

Lorem Ipsum

Instructor John

Jerry Ma

Experienced educator with a passion for technology.

Lorem Ipsum

Instructor John

Hassaan Vani

Experienced educator with a passion for technology.

Lorem Ipsum

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